Through trial match, rematch and research, there were 8 teams participated the final defense. Each team showed their plan through 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes’ Q & A. Science and technology products dominated the projects, like cosmetics, medicines, gasoline additives to solar energy, iris recognition system and so on. Most product technologies have been applied for national patents and even international patents.
Champion was chosen finally after 3-hour review and discussion, and reviewers gave instruction to each team.
The 1st Business Plan of the School of Management started from May 2011, and near 500 undergraduate, master, phD and MBA students signed up for the competition, with 18 teams formally founded. 8 teams in the final competition will take part in the final competition of 1st "IFLYTEK Cup” of USTC and have the opportunity to participate 8th "Challenge Cup" University Students Planning Competition on behalf of USTC.