With the support of “the electronic commerce environment of rapid logistics system research”, the major international cooperation project of China’s National Natural Science Fund, the third international symposium on logistics and supply chain management was held at the Management School of USTC during the period of June 22 to 24, 2015. A number of well-known domestic and foreign scholars were invited to the symposium, CHEN Bintong, CHEN Jing, CAI Gangshu, HUANG Zhimin, YUE Jinfeng, YUE XiaoHang, ZHANG Jianxiong, TAN Lijia, WU Desheng etc.
At 9:00 AM on June 22, the seminar was opened under the auspices of Prof. YU Yugang, Executive Dean of the School of Management. At the opening ceremony, Prof. LIANG Liang, head of the Chinese team, welcomed the visiting scholars from China and abroad. Prof. Liang reviewed the work and main achievements of the past few years, and put a special emphasis on the outstanding contributions made by the overseas project team members. Prof. Huang, head of the overseas team, reviewed the 10-year cooperation with USTC and pointed out that the research team of USTC had a good atmosphere of scientific research and cooperation. On behalf of several overseas scholars he expressed heartfelt thanks for the invitation and reception.
After the opening ceremony, Prof. HUANG Zhiming, from Adelphi University served as the Session Chair, presiding over the workshop in the morning. In the morning, Prof. CHEN Bintong, Vice President of the school of business at the University of Delaware, and dean of the school of business administration at Southwest University of Finance and Economics, gave a report with the title “Compete in Price or Service?- A Study of Personalized Pricing and Money Back Guarantees”, reporting research progress of the two strategies “Personalized Pricing” and “Money Back Guarantees”, and pointed out the impact of the combination of the two strategies on supply chain decisions. Prof . CAI Gangshu, serving at Santa Clara University, introduced his team’s the latest progress in terms of Supply Chain Finance with the topic of the “Supply Chain Finance Role of 3PL's Procurement Service”. Specifically, under this newsboy model framework, Prof. Cai and his partners introduced third party logistics and considered the time value of money, and then analyzed the influences of different procurement modes on decisions of members of the supply chain. Prof. Chen of Canada’s Dalhousie University, introduced his group’sr latest progress in the study of the rental industry with the topic of “Lease Expiration Management for a Single Lease Term in the Apartment Industry”.
Serving as the session chair, Prof. CHEN Bintong presided over a seminar in the afternoon of June 22. At that session, YUE Jinfeng, a professor at the University of Tennessee in the United States, and a dean at Shanghai University of Finance and Engineering, introduced his latest research results about the situation of multiple retailers and how the traditional wholesale price contract can achieve supply chain coordination. This was joint work with collaborators Prof. CHEN Bintong and HE Simai. Prof. HUANG Zhiming of Adelphi University took cooperative advertising research as an example and pointed out how to think in the framework model, and how to use the simplest model to depict the corresponding management or economic phenomenon. Recently graduate from Xiamen University Dr. TAN Lijia introduced her and her supervisor’s latest operating behavior research in the direction of the negotiation auction mechanism.
In the morning of June 23, Prof. Yu Yugang, Executive Dean of the School of Management, USTC, introduced his latest research progress concerning multi-item joint replenishment policy in a random environment. Prof. ZHANG Jianxiong of Tianjin University analyzed the policymakers’ short-sighted and foresight strategy effect on supply chain decisions; Prof. WU Desheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences University, introduced his latest research on Social Interaction.
On the following day and a half, the young teachers and students of the USTC management school introduced their latest research to HUANG Zhiming, CHEN Bintong, YUE Jinfeng, CHEN jing, etc. and a number of other overseas experts. The participating experts gave their corresponding suggestions and comments. In addition to the teachers and students from the School of Management, some teachers and students from Beijing University of Technology, Hefei University of Technology, Hohai University, and Nanchang University came here especially to attend the seminar.